Monday, December 29


obama and smoking

tomorrow i'm going to see Wendy and Lucy, a movie filmed in my backyard (not literally).

oh, and books sold on the internet are closing book stores. btw, that's sad, kinda.

Sunday, December 28

friends links

this one about hitler's lbrary...a book about it

and this one about GOD

Tuesday, December 23

Big Thoughts

here's a link to esquire's best and brightest of 2008.

A hopefully growing collection of philosophy dissertations.

and obama's austerity and the harm to higher ed it may have.

here's philosopher david sosa's 'papers' page on his personal site. i really like it, specifically the blurb about the paper's content.

Friday, December 19

I'm no designer, but it's hard for me to argue against watching these "5 Inspiring Web Design Conference Speeches you Shouldn’t Have Missed in 2008".

The truth is i will probably keep the idea of "inspiring" in my head and build doubt about the credibility of the post because of it. It will sit in the back of my mind and occasionally arise (like that text book of cybernetics on my old computer I have). no, but that text book will. i should read it.

stuff about today

some links to rad music blog posts:

Here's NewArt's post on Daito Manabe, japanese programmer, artist and musician.

A post on Adam Matta's site of what he's up to soon and a video of him with Sxip Shirley. (I don't know how to pronoune his name either) (GOOGLABLE).

Here are some links to order site for some philosophy journals that i would like to read:

Constellations ($38, 1 year, individual, online access
Philosophical Review ($33, 1 year, individual, online access)
Noûs ($125, 1 year, individual, 4 issues and two annual journals: 'Philosophical Issues' and 'Philosophical Perspectives,' online access)
Telos ($60, 1 year, individual, 4 issues, online access)

I looked all these up, thinking about gifts i'd like (as i'm thinking about gifts i general this time of year), and wondering just how steep the prices are. And Nous and Constellations are both published by Weily(-Blackwell) but have a nearly $100 price difference. Funny to think of the sort of online access you have for a year (all back issues?) if you subscribe to one of these journals...

And for kicks, another post at NewArt about horse racing, philosophers and surprisingly slow Jeeps.

(art: 'You Used To Be Alright, What Happened' by Kristine Moran via NewArt [sorry i'm biting so much!!])

Wednesday, December 17

on white priviledge and
Robert Esposito's Bios, a contribution to the critical analysis of life?

Monday, December 8

today's to-dos

A couple NYTimes opinon pieces....the State of Fear...what'll happen if Arizon's Governor leaves the state for the capital, and this article about the irony that's always been part of the phrase "the best and the brightest"

here are a couple links from friends gchat away messages tha i want to look at but can't:

Brecca's , DZalc's, and Morganator's

i'm not looking at my google reader during the day today. hurray.

gamers DO rules the world...infovore likes to speculate about the future

another possibly fun post. about a robot.

here's sasha frere-jones's post about t-pain's autotuning. love you, y'alls.

bento is the szzz. (that's a compliment.)

and how many bad songs can there be? coldplay and joe santriani unintentionally raise the question: maybe there's a limit?

ok, a bit more:

adam kirsch on zizek's new book Violence and (his older book) in defense of lost causes. Critchley on zizek in naked punch.

Thursday, December 4

books' year

from kottke, the millions growing best books read in 2008 list

oh and here's nytimes's best books of 2008 list. darn.

and here is another best books of the year list, from the local and unfortunately renamed Book Culture.

Wednesday, December 3

some more links--wrestlers, towers and bloomberg?

so... some mroe links of things that if i live for a couple more days i will read:

a mini WTC building? totally believable...unless we're going to accept that the original design was too complicated (we wont).

Bloomberg's steelo --of writing, that is.

Photography for jerk offs. Smile, you're on 'cant do' camera. (sorry)

helvetica...can we get enough, please? its role in the new york subway system, ya'll

december 17th i know what i'm doing. the wrestler trailer

want to read a good man story? kottke on esquire releasing some of the classics.

oh and will someone please get me this book? please?
ok that's it. i'm quitting for today. have a blast.

Tuesday, December 2

what's a landmark status and how does it grow? NYTimes tries to tackle the close-to-heart question.

UC berkeley is looking for a new dean of architecture. awesome. what a job. but will they have their newly renovated art mueseum too?

a chat with Nicholas Fox Webber, Le Corbusier's newest biographer.

an archinect blogger's post on agency, guattari, etc.

that's it. the rest i added to my goog readr, yallz.

guhh i can't read enough

so i'll throw some more up for later:

war on the cyber level...something we've been thinking about for years

broken links, broken windows. randy farmer talks about the broke window theory's relat to the online spaces

gotta watch: scratch

and these criterion collection works too

Monday, December 1